Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Tyler and Dani's first Wreck

Once upon a time, not so long ago.....(no, I'm kidding)

After arriving home from town, I opened all the cars doors and instructed everyone to "get out", then began to unload my goods. In between trips to the house, DS (3) and DD (2) somehow (freak accident) mangaed to turn the key, depress the break pedal AND put the car in neutral. My oldest DD (5) alerted me to the fact that "THE CAR IS ROLLING AWAY". I ran out of the house and realized immediately that I would not be able to stop it, and God as he promised, gave me amazing peace and perfect assurance that I needed to let it go... I knew that it would be ok if I did. I followed the car yelling, "SIT DOWN" over and over to the kids so they wouldn't get thrown around, then it smacked into a tree. Both kids were ok, but very scared and thinking that obeying mommy would have been a good idea. Keys will no longer be left in the car around here! The wrecker came this morning, and we'll hopefully know tonight if it's fixable or not.
THANK GOD, everyone was safe!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Oh wow. I'm so glad you're all okay!